Guerrilla warfare is essentially a political war. Therefore, its area of operations exceeds the territorial limits of conventional warfare, to penetrate the political entity itself: the "political animal" that Aristotle effect, the human being should be considered the priority objective in a political war/5(). · In response to a FOIA appeal by Emma Best, the Central Intelligence Agency has released in full a copy of “Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare,” a manual on “Armed Propaganda” techniques written for the Nicaraguan Contras during the civil war of the mid-’ Jpat Brown. CIA PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS IN GUERRILLA WARFARE A tactical manual for the revolutionary. First published by the Central Intelligence Agency and distributed to the Contras in Central America. Tayac n PDF conversion by GrogFile Size: KB.
CIA PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS IN GUERRILLA WARFARE A tactical manual for the revolutionary. First published by the Central Intelligence Agency and distributed to the Contras in Central America. Tayac n PDF conversion by Grog. Find many great new used options and get the best deals for Cia: Manual for PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS in GUERRILLA WARFARE by A. Nagy (, Trade Paperback) at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! Guerrilla warfare is essentially a political war. Therefore, its area of operations exceeds the territorial limits of conventional warfare, to penetrate the political entity itself: the "political animal" that Aristotle effect, the human being should be considered the priority objective in a political war.
CIA PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS IN GUERRILLA WARFARE A tactical manual for the revolutionary. First published by the Central Intelligence Agency and distributed to the Contras in Central America. Tayac n PDF conversion by Grog. CIA Manual for Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare - Kindle edition by Clarridge, Duane R., Veritas, Alethea. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading CIA Manual for Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare. Guerrilla warfare is essentially a political war. Therefore, its area of operations exceeds the territorial limits of conventional warfare, to penetrate the political entity itself: the "political animal" that Aristotle effect, the human being should be considered the priority objective in a political war.