Imonitor idirect manual

This manual is intended for use by the VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) equipment installer, System Engineer, and Network Operator responsible for maintaining the iDirect Network. Only qualified service personnel should install the X7 Router. Familiarity with cabling and wiring practices is beneficial. Manual Contents. Figure Web iSite Commissioning Dialog Box: Angle Calculator 60 Figure Web iSite Antenna Pointing Graphic Display: X7. Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 2 Overview of the NMS for iMonitor iDirect’s Network Management System (NMS) is a powerful suite of applications and servers that provide complete control and visi bility to all components of your iDirect networks. The NMS client/.

Services SupportWe provide an array of services and support to optimize your iDirect Government investment. Left click through banner Right click through banner. iSupport. Satellite Router Warranty. On-Site Services. Installation. NEW Technical Assistance Center Site. Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release 2 Overview of the NMS for iMonitor iDirect's Network Management System (NMS) is a powerful suite of applications and servers that provide complete control and visi bility to all components of your iDirect networks. The NMS client/. iDirect Satellite Router Installation and Commissioning Guide iii iDX Release Revision History The following table shows all revisions for this document.

working with iDirect to troubleshoot network problems. Manual Contents In addition to the information in this chapter, this manual also includes the following: • Chapter 1, Introduction on page 1, provides information about what the terminal WUI is, the supported routers, the login details, and the LED information. Thank you for purchasing an iDirect Evolution X5 Satellite Router. This manual provides important safety and compliance information, and explains how to install and maintain the Evolution X5 Satellite Router. Throughout this manual, the iDirect Evolution X5 Satellite Router is also referred to as the Evolution X5 Satellite Router. Network Management System iMonitor User Guide, Release Accepting Changes 10 Overview of iMonitor Usage and Displays 11 iMonitor Time Frames in Requests 11 Saving Historical Time Ranges across Multiple Displays 11 Historical “Save to File” Capability 12 Types of iMonitor Displays


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