Manuals or user guides for your HP TouchSmart 3D Edition Desktop PC. Safety warning notice WARNING! To reduce the possibility of heat-related injuries or of overheating the computer, do not place the computer directly on your lap or . TheFunction (Fn)key acts as a shift-down key for the Function keys; press Fn with a Function key (F1 through F12) to select the lower feature of the key. TheBackkey (press Fn+F1) moves back one window or Web page. TheForwardkey (press Fn+F2) moves forward one window or .
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Manuals or user guides for your HP TouchSmart 3D Edition Desktop PC. HP Spectre XT TouchSmart Ultrabook CTO 15t ‘Manufacturer’s warranty’ refers to the warranty included with the product upon first purchase. ‘Extended warranty’ refers to any extra warranty coverage or product protection plan, purchased for an additional cost, that extends or supplements the manufacturer’s warranty. HP TouchSmart Desktop PC series. ‘Manufacturer’s warranty’ refers to the warranty included with the product upon first purchase. ‘Extended warranty’ refers to any extra warranty coverage or product protection plan, purchased for an additional cost, that extends or supplements the manufacturer’s warranty.