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Honeywell Thermostats AQTN2 User’s Manual (PDF) Honeywell AC User’s Manual (PDF) Honeywell rthb Installation And User Manual (PDF) Honeywell RTH Wi-Fi User Manual (PDF) HONEYWELL FOCUSPRO USER MANUAL (PDF) Honeywell Pro Series Installation Manual. the thermostat and heating/cooling system. Honeywell rec-ommends using Energizer® batteries. a. Make sure that the System switch is set in the OFF position. b. Using a coin, open the battery door as shown in Fig. c. Install the batteries. Make sure that the positive and nega-tive terminals are oriented correctly as marked inside the. Honeywell User Manuals. Honeywell cr2 Manual Add to Favourites. KCF 9/08 Rev. B ADEMCO CR ADEMCO CRADEMCO CR ADEMCO CR- -- -2 22 2.