Ask the Walk Lay Director for his/her song requests—favorites, new songs, meditative solos. As a Team, prayerfully select songs for the Walk. Contact Team Speakers and ask for their Talk songs. Reminders from Handbook: Continually communicate with the Lay Director and Spiritual Director. Balance Emmaus “classic” songs and new or “fresh. The Upper Room is a global ministry dedicated to supporting the spiritual formation of Christians seeking to know and experience God more fully. The Upper Room has grown to include publications, programs, prayer support, and other resources to help believers of all ages and denominations move to a deeper level of faith and service. Director’s manual and the Upper Room outlines for the 15 talks, (10 lay and 5 clergy). c. There will be post-event plan which includes group reunions, monthly Gatherings, and leadership training, for the purpose of increasing the Emmaus Community’s knowledge of the method and its effectiveness of providing spiritual renewal for the local Don Gyde.
Room Walk to Emmaus Lay Director manual and The Upper Room. Meal Blessing Downloads. The International Emmaus Office grants permission to all Emmaus Communities to use these new songs during Emmaus Walks. Directory Listing of Emmaus Retreat for Men and Women in South Florida: Miami - Dade, Broward, Keys - Calendar - Emmaus Schedule - Calendar. Meet with the Lay and Board Advisor to review the procedures and responsibilities for the team meetings and on the Walk. Read the Assistant Lay Director's Guidelines on pages 19 and 20 of the Director's Manual. Plan orientation meeting for team and Table Leader training. Prior to First Team Meeting. These officers will hold office from January through December. Section C Members of the Board shall set the date, place, the Lay Director and the Spiritual Director for each Cross Country Community Emmaus Walk. Section D The Board shall, at the November meeting, elect five members to serve as the Nominating Committee. 1.
o Nametag Template is on the Yahoo Groups Lay Director site, our standard name is “North Georgia” o It is also good to have the template at the camp to do name/spelling changes or additions o Ensure all team members understand they need the “standard” name tag with Emmaus logo • Take charge of Team Roster. The Walk to Emmaus Directors' Manual is specially designed for weekend Walk Directors (lay and clergy) and includes information to assist Directors in supporting the roles of the entire conference room team. It includes the basic procedures for the weekend event, timetables, guidelines for all team members, and reproducible resources. Each Lay Director will be provided the following materials needed for the Team Training: Handbook on Emmaus. Manuals. Overheads and laminated sheets. Paper and pens. Name tags marking pens. Team folders. Talk outlines. Talk review sheets. Reservation Forms. Lighter. Computer files for the Detailed Schedule and Team Lists etc.