DOK-LOK®, DUAL-DOK®, SAFE-T-STRUTTM, DOK-COMMANDER RITE-HITE® RHR DOK-LOK® Owner’s Manual The RHR DOK-LOK vehicle restraint is an electromechanical, self-aligning restraint device used to secure semi-trailers with an intact Rear Impact Guard (R.I.G.) to the face of a loading Size: 2MB. Rite‑Hite Dok‑Commander ® ® Installation/Service/Owner's Manual OPERATION Dok-Commander with Powered Dok-Lok Vehicle Restraint To operate manual Dok-Lok restraints, reference respective owner's manual RESTRAINT DEFAULT STATUS CONTROL BOX: STATE INSIDE LIGHTS, SOUND OUTSIDE LIGHTS Restraint UNLOCKED/ STORED position. Easy to operate Centralized panel integrates the controls of multiple devices, including:» Vehicle restraint» Dock leveler» Dock door» Dock light DOCK LIGHT ^ Clean and simple wall configuration Dok-Commander® box eliminates the need for multiple control boxes, while its narrow size allows for tight door centerlines.
Clean and simple wall configuration, since each Dok-Commander box eliminates the need for multiple control boxes, and its narrow size allows for tight door centerlines. Enhances safety during maintenance with a single optional lock-out/ tag-out provision. Dok commander rite hite shr manual 1 SHR Dok-Ok Shadow Hook Vehicle Restraint Owner Manual This manual covers the unit: built after serial number: and user safety operation approach to 9in carriage 2in carriage notification -Vu (optional) Maintenance plan maintenance drive chain electrical control harness powerboard restraint Microboard Wiring: Corner Vu / Leveler - Vu Wiring. Nile Dok (ナイル・ドーク Nairu Dōku?) was the former commander (師団長 Shidanchō?) of the Military Police Brigade, Erwin Smith's friend, husband of Marie Dok and father of three daughters. Zeke Yeager transformed Nile into a Titan when the Marleyan military launched a counter offensive on Shiganshina. As a human, Nile was a lean man with well defined cheek and jaw bones. He had.
The Dok-Commander system integrates multiple loading dock control components at each dock position for a total dock safety system. Read and understand this manual before attempting to install or operate any DOK-LOK vehicle restraint. For best results, have this product serviced by your authorized Rite-Hite® representative. The VBR DOK-LOK vehicle restraint by Rite-Hite® is intended to provide a safer workplace for workers in shipping and receiving dock areas. Rite‑Hite Dok‑Commander ® ® Installation/Service/Owner's Manual OPERATION Dok-Commander with Powered Dok-Lok Vehicle Restraint To operate manual Dok-Lok restraints, reference respective owner's manual RESTRAINT DEFAULT STATUS CONTROL BOX: STATE INSIDE LIGHTS, SOUND OUTSIDE LIGHTS Restraint UNLOCKED/ STORED position.